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Rules of the Ordo
Forum: The Black Library
Last Post: Voltrin
10-24-2017, 08:17 PM
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» Views: 6,142
The Book of Prayer
Forum: The Black Library
Last Post: AnaJuli
01-07-2017, 11:24 PM
» Replies: 13
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Gatherings of the Ordo (O...
Forum: The Black Library
Last Post: Voltrin
05-02-2016, 09:16 PM
» Replies: 36
» Views: 47,098
Sermons of the Ordo
Forum: The Black Library
Last Post: AnaJuli
03-02-2016, 10:36 PM
» Replies: 14
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What Is The Great Shadow?
Forum: The Black Library
Last Post: Leahalani
12-01-2014, 05:25 PM
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Guiding Precepts
Forum: The Black Library
Last Post: Leahalani
12-01-2014, 03:00 PM
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Shadowed Path of the Eigh...
Forum: The Black Library
Last Post: Leahalani
12-01-2014, 02:56 PM
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Rules of the Ordo |
Posted by: Voltrin - 10-24-2017, 08:17 PM - Forum: The Black Library
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This list has always been present, but never expressly written and strictly enforced. Moving forward as a guild, if we seek to become and remain a successful rp guild, structure must be followed. This list is and will always be subject to review and change at the discretion of the Dark Council. If you believe that your case falls into some grey area not covered here, it will be at the discretion of the Dark Council to judge your claim, though realize that any and all attempts to appeal a punishment for the breaking of these rules either in, or out of character are only appeals. No reprieve from the consequences of the actions of yourself or your character should be expected, only hoped for.
Rule #1: No harm shall be done unto a brother or sister of blood or bond. Beit by their sword or guile, or the might of theirs or another, unless the circumstances of the incident are in defense self.
- Under said circumstances, all measures should be exhausted to ensure the survival of both parties so that the conflict of the time be addressed by the Council, and dealt with by appropriate authorities. The taking of the life of a Child of the Darkness is to be named by the Shadow, or by those who speak for it by right of Spiritual exaltation and status.
OOC: Attacking directly, or indirectly other guild members is strictly prohibited. We are all here to have fun, and if you believe that your fun, or your character’s story comes from the need to make the game unfun for someone else, regardless of reason, this will be considered harassment. This is your only warning.
Rule #2: When the call of the Faithful is made, all who heed and hear to the Shadows over stone at the time of gathering, beit martial or spiritual must answer the call.
Under special circumstances, where the orders of the heads of the path, or the Dark Council may supersede the daily comings and goings of gatherings held, can abscence while one’s presence is active in the Darkness be deemed acceptable, though that is at the discretion of the Dark Council. In all other instances, one on the Shadows at the time of Gathering must heed the call.
To welcome the blessings of the Dark, but heed not the call to duty, briefing or fellowship is lethargic and, and a clear demonstration of lacking Discipline that will not go unanswered.
OOC: If you do not plan on attending the meeting, but being online in game, do not be on an Ordo Tenebrae character, or on a character in the out of character channel unless you have already established with the Council a regular reason for lack of attendance. Special cases will be heard, but nothing is promised.
Rule #3: While the Shadow’s Will is to enable, and free others of the shackles of the Light’s judgement and condescending gazes and doctrine, such freedom shall and should never be used without care. The freedoms you enjoy are yours, and yours alone. To anyone you choose to share them with, you shall do so in settings that are befitting to the enaction of your freedoms; Partaking of Debauchery, Gluttony and Masochism are grand and sacred to those who partake, but this shall never be exercised in public, lest the Children of the Dark Shadow be looked upon shamingly by public displays of indignity.
OOC: You are welcome to rp however you wish, that is your right, because you pay for this game, and if you are not enjoying what you pay for, what are you doing? However, so long as you carry the guild tag, that character will not be permitted to lounge in Goldshire, or other large ERP hubs, and what ERP or crazy personal rp you choose to perform on said character, must be done in private; Meaning party chat, whispers, things of that nature.
We enforce an 18+ age requirement because some of the darker rp this guild has gotten into in the past is due to graphic violence and gore. Things children nowadays will need a parent’s company to view. There are children under that age playing this game, and we will not be willing contributors to putting smut or other grotesque content into the fair view of children. If we get screenshots from concerned parties of you rping aloud publicly with the guild tag, you will be promptly removed. This has affected the reputation of the guild on it’s origin server, and the possibility of that happening again will not be tolerated.
Rule #4: Under no circumstances shall one amongst the Shadowed Children speak, or act with the name and authority of the Ordo unless expressly stated by at least one member of the Dark Council. This counts with regards to starting conflicts, evading punishment for violation of the law, or even creating bridges intended in friendship with other Orders or factions.
OOC: The Dark Council has multiple officers for a reason. One of these reasons is having multiple people who have had an extended period of time within the guild together to discuss what has come from what sort of interactions, with other groups of people. If plot is pitched to any member of the guild, it must be submitted to the Council for discussion.
This is 100% NOT with the intention of stunting roleplay opportunities. This is to ensure that the people who attempt to coordinate roleplay know who and what we are dealing with, and what we believe will benefit the course of the guild.
Rule #5: Complacency as is stated in the Precepts makes weak of the strong. In such case, those who have demonstrated devotion, knowledge and ability to serve along the Path, and have become figures of example, and leadership to the newly enlightened must not become unfavorable in the eyes of the Dark and it’s chosen leadership. To become and remain an example, one must continue to be such beyond the time they are named noteworthy.
OOC: To keep rank, each character in the guild, alt or not, must attend at least one event per month, to encourage and promote roleplay amongst the guild, and keep your characters actively involved. Violating this will not result in penance, however rank will be redacted, and the need to re-earn it in entirety will be enforced.
Gatherings of the Ordo (Old timeline) |
Posted by: Voltrin - 05-02-2016, 09:06 PM - Forum: The Black Library
- Replies (36)
This topic will contain the old works of the former spymaster, for the purpose of entertainment with my typos, as well as a rough idea of the format used for old intelligence reports. Some are longer than others due to their nature, keep this in mind.
Disregard notes of hiding location, this has been put in a place that is available for any of the Ordo to look over.
The Book of Prayer |
Posted by: Zosima - 12-11-2014, 07:09 PM - Forum: The Black Library
- Replies (13)
Book of Prayer
For those following the faith of the Cultus Tenebrae
The following is a collection of prayers to be used by all faithful of the Ordo Tenebrae. The foundation for this book are the prayers collected by Doomsayer Daerina, who has the thanks of the Ordo for all the hard work. This Book of Prayer shall be an ongoing collection, open to any who wish to add their own prayers. All prayers originally compiled by Daerina have been noted and their authors credited. ((If you believe an error has been made in those prayers transcribed, let me know.))
Sermons of the Ordo |
Posted by: Daerina - 12-11-2014, 07:06 PM - Forum: The Black Library
- Replies (14)
((This thread is a place to put sermons that you have preached in public. It can be used as a resource for people tasked with creating and preaching a sermon. Please do not plagiarize your fellow Ordian's sermons. Give credit (at least OOCly) if a sermon is preached from this resource))
What Is The Great Shadow? |
Posted by: Leahalani - 12-01-2014, 05:25 PM - Forum: The Black Library
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The Great Shadow is the spirit of freedom, ecstasy, rebellion, indulgence, self-transformation, creation and an unbridled love for life -- both in its carnal and spiritual forms. The Great Shadow ultimately wants mortal beings to indulge in life, to enjoy themselves and to accumulate more knowledge. As such, a true Ordo will bring low those who do not understand the ways of the shadow that they might build a new foundation in the warmth of its glory.
If you think of Life as a garden, we that follow the Shadow are gardeners, pruning here, weeding there. Willing to dig up or burn out sections that bear no fruit. We bring change and growth. Those of the light wish the garden to never change, to have it remain exactly as it is forever. Weeds and all. The force of order and stagnation.
Guiding Precepts |
Posted by: Leahalani - 12-01-2014, 03:00 PM - Forum: The Black Library
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- Respect not pity or weakness, for they are a disease which makes sick the strong. But be able to give the illusion of both, for in deception, we gain our most powerful moments to strike. Thus one who is skillful at keeping the enemy on the move maintains deceitful appearances, according to which the enemy will act. Hence, we move both brazenly and in shadows, that our enemy never understands the true nature of our path.
- Never love anything so much you cannot see it die. When we love this much, we sacrifice the self and lose not one weapon of darkness, but two. For focus can not remain on a target and one you would protect at the same time. One will fall.. if not both. Love Fully and Honorably - but do not lose the self!
- Strive ever for more, for conquest is never done and die rather than submit. Give not our enemies.. the satisfaction of breaking you to their will.
- Learn to raise yourself above yourself so you can triumph over all. Learn self-control, will power and the ability to chose when to speak when angered. The Shadows represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit! Learn from its example.
- Reject complacency and lethargy, for they hinder the strong --- what does not kill you, makes you stronger.
- To lower an enemy's guard you must act in the open hiding your true intentions under the guise of common every day activities. The man gardening is ignored while the rogue in the bushes is quickly discovered.
- When the enemy is too strong to attack directly, then attack something he holds dear. Know that in all things he cannot be superior. Somewhere there is a gap in the armour, a weakness that can be attacked instead.
- The truest way to destroy an enemy is from within. The wise use of rumors, false facts and deceptions are to be used to turn an enemy within. When he is torn asunder by inner strife, Shadows can move forward against him.
- When you do not have the means to attack your enemy directly, then attack using the strength of another. Trick an ally into attacking him, bribe an official to turn traitor, or use the enemy's own strength against him.
- The truest weapon of Shadows is Faith: The Great Shadow does not always explain its directions and choices. One must have faith that any request made of by the Tyrant or his Prophetess is for the greater good of the shadow's plans.
Shadowed Path of the Eight Pointed Star |
Posted by: Leahalani - 12-01-2014, 02:56 PM - Forum: The Black Library
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The Shadowed Path is the path that all must follow to gain the rewards and blessings of the Great Shadow. It is this path which allows for greater strength of the Ordo and greater strength in the individual. Following the path brings one into the full embrace of the Great Shadow. The path is made of four principles and four directives.
The principles are those codes of conduct which the individual seeker exhibits within the Ordo. They give strength to the seeker, they bring strength to the Ordo. The directives are the actions to be taken against the world outside of the Ordo. The directives allow for the weakening of the Light and allow the Great Shadow to be ushered in to the physical world. The better the directives are carried out, the sooner shall the day come when the Great Shadow encompasses this world in Darkness.
PRINCIPLES -Internal Attributes of the Faithful Ordo
1. Discipline
The Principle of Discipline is a combination of traits necessary for strength of the individual and strength of the Ordo. Discipline requires obedience to those in command, it requires respect for fellow devotees of the Shadowed Path, it requires self-restraint where a rash decision could bring shame to the individual or the Ordo. Discipline ensures strength and fortitude, it allows for a solid foundation on which all other Principles and Directives can proceed.
2. Will
The Principle of Will is based on the inner strength of the individual to overcome adversity. It is the need to persevere when all seems lost. Further, Will is the driving force that pushes us to greater heights of devotion to the Great Shadow and helps us to fight the enemy of stagnation. Stagnation is the point at which we no longer continue to grow. This failure to grow may apply to our faith or to our martial prowess. It is only by focusing our Will on the goal we wish to achieve that we will be able to triumph.
3. Power
The Principal of Power is the most difficult to attain. Any who grabs greedily for power might encounter power too great for him or her to handle, and die in their attempt to master it. A follower who succumbs to despair and seeks no personal power has no reason to exist; he craves nothing, desires nothing, he sits alone and pines for his old life. To the Ordo, the member who does not seek to better themselves might as well still be part of the Light. The quest for power requires caution, forethought, and a subtle touch.
4. Sacrifice
The Principle of Sacrifice is indispensible. Sacrifice cuts two ways for a follower of the Path. It requires both personal sacrifice as well as the sacrifice of others. Personal sacrifice may include the deprivation of luxury and the leading of a more ascetic lifestyle following the Will of the Great Shadow. Or it can be the pain that comes from self-flagellation. Sacrifice is also needed from those outside the Ordo. The sacrificing and slaying and bloodletting of lightsworn or those outside the Shadowed Path is most pleasing to the Great Shadow, and such should always be remembered.
DIRECTIVES -External Actions of the Faithful Ordo
1. Blasphemy
Blasphemy is the betrayal of virtue. The Great Shadow offers liberation from virtue, freedom from morality. Blasphemy is the surrender to vice, the yield to dark desires. By spreading blasphemy and committing blasphemy, the seeker weakens the strictures and virtues imposed by the Light. This is a tool used to break the pesistances of the faithful worshiper as well as the law abiding citizen. They must be tempted and coaxed into abandoning morality and giving in to a life of debauchery and depravity. For such is the state of man in his most primal form. Freedom from virtue, means the freedom to do as he wills.
2. Apostasy
Apostasy is the betrayal of faith. The Great Shadow is a jealous entity and will not suffer the worship of
others. Apostasy is the weakening of faith in others. Whether they claim worship in the Light, Elune, the Old Gods or other deities, such faith and devotion must be broken. They must be shown that those entities are indifferent,
neglectful and apathetic towards the plights and agonies of their followers. Only once the false faith has been torn down, does one become susceptible to the path of the Shadow, and the real rewards that the Shadow has to offer.
3. Desolation
Desolation is the betrayal of hope. The Great Shadow thrives in times of despair, therefore all hope must be destroyed. Man must be shown the futility of life, that there is no gain to be had in living outside the Shadowed path. When man has no hope, he becomes rash, reckless, full of malaise and doubt about his existence and the path the must take. It is in this state that he comes to see the truth and glory that can be found in Great Shadow. A desolate world and hopeless people allows for growth of faith in the Great Shadow.
4. Chaos
Chaos is the betrayal of order. Order and law are the foundation of governments and of the accepted religions. It is order that allows for kings and bishops to thrive, to grow more powerful, to exact whatever they wish from a subdued and mindless population. By disrupting order, by spreading chaos, the Seeker attacks the underpinnings of all civilization. Chaos allows for unbridled depravity, free of the laws of man and religion. Chaos goes beyond civil disobedience, it targets the smooth running of governments and seeks to topple monarchs who would deny due reverence to the Great Shadow.